Urban Resilience Blog!
I’m excited to think/write/engage with the idea of “resilient urbanism.” Here are some of the reasons:
First, I think that “resilience” is an extremely empowering framework. To some extent we often have little control over the external events that shock us (think earthquakes and hurricanes), but through “resilience” we can control the impact of these shocks. This is a very optimistic frame of mind (and I’m a “glass half full” type of person!).
Second, I think that “urban” is a form of human organization that is fascinating, and in particular as it relates to risk. We currently have little understanding of how the dynamics of risk relate to urban dynamics (urbanization, urban systems, urban policy, …). This is exactly what I am exploring through my research: What are the drivers of risk in cities? How can this understanding guide action—through policy, design—to reduce risk/promote resilience?
Finally, I am very much engaged with the idea of “processes”: the dynamics of risk creation rather than risk itself, the process of design rather than design, reform and change rather than solutions (vectors rather than points!)… And likewise this blog is intended to be a process to develop ideas rather than form conclusions.
Why “Resilient Urbanism” rather than “Urban Resilience?” Well “urban resilience” is a status or a goal. We hope to look more at the tools and practices to reach that goal. Those are the tools of “resilient urbanism.”