Illustrations by the brilliant Veronica Wood. Thanks to all the friends and colleagues who gave encouragement and feedback.

How can humanitarian actors support local government to lead recovery and reconstruction planning after urban crises? My current research project (with Elizabeth Parker, David Garcia…

Evidence and innovation – these are two words familiar to anyone reading about humanitarian programming. Nowadays everything has to be “evidence-based”, judged against “indicators”, monitored,…

Following Typhoon Haiyan in the Philippines fewer than 20% of people rebuilding their houses have so far adopted any kind of safer building measures, despite…

Who better to tell the story of what the international humanitarian community didn’t do after the 2010 earthquake in Haiti than the Haitian government? The…

In late March the large re-insurer Swiss-Re published a report ranking the world’s 616 largest urban centers according to risk from natural hazards. The report…

What are experts around the world saying about equity and resiliency in cities? Two members of the Resilient Urbanism team (Anna Konotchick and Kate Crawford)…

I was recently reading through some of the articles in The Guardian’s Resilient Cities series. One of the articles that struck my interest describes a…

What is so special about humanitarian bureaucracy anyway? Haven’t plenty of people in all sorts of different organisations come up with a great idea that…

After a disaster, do people always have the capabilities to participate fully in the reconstruction and recovery process? In the development and humanitarian fields, we…